Friday 7 December 2018

The Magic of Christmas

One of the most awaited season of the year is Christmas. This is the season when all of us is to celebrate happiness, joy and be thankful for all the blessings and gifts that we are receiving.
This is also the time to commemorate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. We should remember that without Him there is no Christmas. Remember that the love he gave to us is unconditional because he died on the cross because of love. So it is just right for us to celebrate Christmas even in our own simple way.
It is also because of Christmas that we are able to bond with our love one's. With our family, relatives and friends. There will be preparing and eating foods, playing of games, Christmas carols and the most exciting part is gift giving.
Some of us may celebrate Christmas away from their family because of work, education and other purposes but we should remember that you may be far away from your love one's but the most important thing is you are connected by each other's heart.
Christmas is joy but we should not forget that the true essence of Christmas is not about how expensive and big your gifts are, it is how you show love, care, and value your family. Let us live with the learning of the Lord. Christmas is love and Christmas is all about family.

Equality is the Key to Attain Unity Between You and Me

Human beings are born with different characteristics. But we should all bear in mind that all persons are equal. We may differ in size, height, skin, nationality and more but we are connected by our hearts. Each one of us deserve to be love and treated equally.
Nowadays, our society is being face with discrimination because of the lack of respect towards another. Some are being judge because of the things that he or she have done. Many people are also being so insensitive because they put other people down. Instead of saying word of encouragement they often say negative things around us. It is bad to be unfair to the people who is working hard. We all deserve equality and to have good opportunities that can help one's life.
A society that has good characteristics is a society that will succeed. Let us stop deceiving other people and discriminating them because it will not make you rich instead it will reflect on your attitude. Let us all solve the inequalities happening around our society.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

To Teach the Children is to Touch their Lives

The youth plays a very important role in our society because they are the hope and future of the next generations. It is in their hands that we can assure and entrust things that may happen in the future. Without them there will be no sustainable development and progress in our country.
Children also has the voice to tell their opinions, thought, and suggestions in different things because they might be young as we see them we should not underestimate their capabilities as a youth instead we should nourish them and give what they need and let them to their rights.
It is timely that we talked about the youth because in this month we are celebrating the children's  month and in connection to this matter, we should know the the things that can contribute in achieving their own dreams, goals and desires in life. 
We said that children should be treats in a well mannered situation but what is happening now? Nowadays children is being face to different issues. It maybe on right issues, health issues and freedom issues. They are being destroyed and weakened  by the society.
In this case, parents are responsible in caring and teaching their own child. They have the power to tell what is right from wrong. Parents should also have moral and financial support to their child. They needed love, care and support from any person specially from their parents.It is really important that parents should provide the needs of their child. Like education, food, clothes and most specially love.
The youth gives a bright future for each and everyone of us. We should know how to value and protect them. The youth are the treasure and hope of one nation 

Friday 23 November 2018

One Book Can Change One's Life

The habit of reading books is one thing that can help our lives specially when it comes to communicating with other people around the globe.
The theme launched by the Department of Education for this year's national reading month celebration is "Pagbasa: Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan." It gives emphasis to the importance of reading in our society and to the future of each one of us.
Nowadays, people tend to forget it's benefits and role to our lives. Some of us uses their time in using gadgets that serves as entertainment and pass time. They do not have time to visit the library and read some books because they find this a boring stuff to do.
Living in this generation of technology makes people forget what should they do in order to ensure their good future. The used of technology is one of the things that needs a balancing schedule and giving us also an opportunity to read books even just for a couple of hours in a day.
We, the youth should not be eaten by this system. Let us encourage everyone to read books and to have more books instead of using more gadgets in a day. It will not only help us but it will help our nation today, tomorrow and for the future generations.
Books are essentials to us humans. We should not forget it's value and start appreciating these. It is through reading that we can have a progressive living. 

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Be a responsible social media user

Annually, in every school nationwide all the students commemorates the celebration of Filipino Values Month which has the theme of "Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadgets: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa."
Gadgets plays a very important role in life because it helps human work more lighter and easier. Also it can minimize the time of work so that people can have time for rest.
On the other hand, the use of gadgets has also a negative side. We are abusing it to the extent that we tend to forget our own responsibilities and duties as a person. The word lazy runs to our blood because we are all depending on it.
The strong tight relationship with our fellow loved ones is weakened by too much use of gadgets specially when occasions or social gatherings. Many of us prefer using gadgets alone than sharing stories with our family and friends.
I strongly agree that using a gadgets comes also with a great responsibility and we should not forget that because if we tend to forget all our duties and it can ruin our life, our future.
Let us use gadgets that we can promote things not to destroy things. It is still better to bond with our family because it will strengthen our relation. It is not bad to use gadgets but be careful on what youb use it for. 

Saturday 20 October 2018

Behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success

   This 2nd grading has been very challenging for me because I encounter difficulty in managing my schedule in school but I learned that it is by time management that I can conquer this situation .
    During this quarter we had conflict with our class schedules .This is due to the heavy rains that causes suspension of classes. It also come to the point that I have less time for rest and relax.
    This experience had a great impact in my life. It is not only a obstacle but it also a new lesson and experience for me. Meeting the submition date is a one way of practicing on how to be responsible when it comes to finishing task.
    It may be hard at first but through determination and proper time management that we can succeed in life. This are just simple things that we need to face. We should not be upset and give because at the  end all your hardwork will pay off and the process might be bitter but there would be a sweet success . We should always remember that behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success.

Peace is the way it should be

  Yearly, United Nations and all the countries included here are being gathered as one to celebrate UN Day. This one happens every month of October. And Philippines is one of the countries included in the UN organizations.
    Here in our country is celebrated in schools. Students have a list of programs in connection to this activity. Showing traditional costumes , writing essay, quiz and many more are examples of the activities given to make this is memorable and a fruitful one.
    The historical value of this is it was built after the World War 2 . This one means that every country wants to attain peace and order to their country.  So they formed such organization because if the many countries unite we can form peace . It will also help our country for its development progress and to reduce certain issues.
    We should know that always remember that UN nations keeps people away from evil acts and it keeps the safety of every citizen in our country.
    We may vary in color, height, and culture we are connected by our  hearts. Let us acknowledge the important roles of Un in our country and lets promote peace in order to have development in our countries

A Big Thanks to all the teachers out there

Teachers have the noblest profession. We owe them everything we have now. Without educators we will not able to polish and enhance our skills. They serve as our molders and our guide through out our journey. The life of students was never easy but with the presence of the teachers it has been challenging yet fun experience for us.
 Every of  July we are gathered as one to pay tribute to all the teachers throughout the world . Their work maybe a tiring one but they  manage to do their job well because the development of the country depends on them and we should be thankful that god has blessed us with great educators and each and one of us can become someone, someday.

Teachers day is not just an ordinary day for us. It is the day that we should make our teacher happy and loved. Standing and teaching for almost 8hrs a day is not an easy thing it takes a lot of courage and patient to teach each class. We can have simple celebrations and activities to make that day a memorable one.

Our country needs a good educator who has the courage and heart to teach his students. A great teacher always knows what is best for their students. No amount of money and expensive gifts can repay their generosity. We should always salute them for being our hero in our nation.

"Science and Technology for a sustainable future"

 Science and technology play a very important role in our lives. Many of us do not see its importance and purpose to our Society. Science is in everything that we see and technology is everything that we use in order to do task efficiently and effectively.
    Yearly, we are gathered as one to celebrate science month this maybe done most specially in schools. In part of celebrating science we should be implementing lots of activities such sci -exhibits, quiz, inventions and many more that can explain how things happen . Everything is made and explained by science.
    This years theme is entitled  "Science and Technology  for a sustainable future" Having more knowledge in science makes us even more understand the different aspects and issues that our country has today. It will help us seek for soulutions and it can make changes in our society. So that our country will continue developing things that can help in the progress of our nation.
    It is important that we learn those things because it can help us attain sustainable future despite of the many issues floating in our country today. We should use our inventions in making changes and development among ourselves.
    Today’s, era of millennials it is important to familiarize with all the latest invention. We should help and raised our country in having development and sustainable future.

Friday 24 August 2018

Filipinos: Positive Thinkers

It is not new to us Filipinos that Philippines is one of the disaster prone country. We experienced deadly disasters such as strong typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruption.
This disaster can make difference in the lives of many people most specially to the residence of the affected areas during a disaster. It maybe a good effect or a bad one. But we Filipinos are known in the world because of our attitude in dealing with this kind of situation. We are known to be positive thinkers. Filipinos also showed remarkable resilience in dealing with this disaster. Resilience means having a brave and strong souls in dealing with challenges.
We cannot tell when and where will calamities occur. And when that time comes we should be prepare for the possible effects of it. Disaster can take many lives and destroy properties and most specially it can damage agriculture.
We expect that after a calamities there is an immediate relief package from the government. This is to ease the pain from all the victim. a simple help can make changes.
Despite of that we should not forget that changes and progress start within ourselves. The help that we are receiving will not make us live comfortable again. We should learn among ourselves that what we need is cooperation in order to lessen the effects of disasters and calamities. By doing it so, we can live safe and happy in our society.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Through Determination Nothing is Impossible

The days intended  for the first grading period is about to end. It has been a  tough and challenging quarter for me because I encounter challenges which helps me to become a better person today. 
I did not expect that this school year will be different than the previous ones. A change in schedule occurred  due to the increasing rate of the students specially on the 9th and 10th grade. I face difficulty in adjusting because I was not able to take enough rest because of  lot requirements. Despite of all the sleepless nights I learned how to be patient and to have more courage in my studies even though a lot of task is given to me.
It also taught me that there is no elevator to success you need to take the stairs . There is no easy path to success we will face a lot of obstacles and problems before you will reach for the stars. 

Scavenger Hunt 2


     What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term?
2.      _______________ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ______________.
3.     Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong?
4.     In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York?
5.     __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________.
6.     What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra?
7.     Draw in a diagram form the metamorphosis of an "urban legend"

Search Engine        
Search Technique
A) Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. B)it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. C) While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel,
Phrase Searching
Pope Benedict XV's statute stands in the courtyard of St Esprit Cathedral, Instanbul Turkey.
Phrase Searching 
 Kohn Pedersen Fox, Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.
Phrase Searching
Phrase Searching
 Burj Khalifa in Dubai . The Construction of the Burj Khalifa started in 2004, with the exterior completed five years later in 2009.
Phrase Searching
 Tundra is the level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs; also a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline
Phrase Searching


Hindi na bago sa ating mga Pilipino ang taonang pagdiriwang natin sa buwan ng wika. Atin itong inaalala sapagkat malaki ang papel na ginagampanan nito sa ating lipunan. Nagagamit natin ito sa ating pang araw araw na gawain. Maging nasaan ka man.
Ngayong Agosto 2018 sinimulan ang pagdiriwang sa pamamagitan ng pagkilala ng tema para sa taon na ito. Filipino, Wika ng Saliksik, ibig sabihin ang wikang filipino ay hindi lang nagagamit sa pakikipag usap. Pinapatunayan nito na maaari nating gamitin ang wika sa pananaliksik ng mga bagay bagay. Ang pagsasaliksik ay isang paraan upang mas lalo pa nating mapalawak ang ating kaalaman ukol sa isang bagay. Marahil madami pa ang hindi naniniwala na ang wikang filipino ay sadyang hindi pa makapangyarihan sapagkat ito ang nagbibigay liwanag sa mga nangyayari sa ating lipunan. Ang wikang filipino ang solusyon sa pagsugpo ng mga iba't ibang isyu sa ating bansa.
Ang pagpapalawak sa ating kaalaman gamit ng wikang filipino ay dapat lang na bigyang pansin ng lahat ng pilipino. Bata man o matanda, mahirap man o mayaman sama sama nating palawakin ang ating mga isipan.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Challenge 1:

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Dr. Sugata Mitra
Phrase Searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National Institute of Information Technology 
Phrase Searching
3. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own.
Phrase Searching
4. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
That groups of children could learn on their own without any direct intervention.
February 3, 2012
Phrase Searching
5. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in a unit.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

SONA 2018

Last July 23, 2018 President Duterte  had his 3rd SONA (State of the Nation Address),  the different issues and concerns which our country is facing right now. Issues in drugs, crime and social problems are some examples.
President Rodrigo ask his fellowmen specially the different sectors to help him for the betterment of our country. Projects and plans for the country would not be possible if the President will work alone. It is but proper that we. Filipinos should also move and think solutions for the continuous enlargement of problems. Leading our country is a big responsibility so we should also expect some mistakes and imperfections to our President.But he's the kind of person that will do everything to make his country a better one. We should not judge him for his mistakes because he's also a human and he commits mistake. We should always show our support to our President to ensure that his plans to our country will implement properly and we should also help in decreasing crimes and other issues in our country. Reduction of social problems in our country is expected after implementation of laws and projects.
We all have the power to remove all the anxieties in our nations and transform our nation a wonderful place to stay.

Monday 30 July 2018

Nutrition Month 2018: Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin

Every month of July we are gathered to celebrate the value of nutrition in our lives. This year nutrition month is celebrated with the theme "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." It gives emphasis to the importance to agriculture in which by planting we can gain a lot of nutritional values needed by our body.
Taking care of our nature will help us in gaining fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables.And planting fruits and vegetables can help in nourishing our immune system. It boost our energy and most specially to make us healthy and strong. We can also live our life longer when we are eating nutritious food. Our body needs a lot of nutrients and we also need to provide it all to make are living healthy
We, the youth should find ways to improve this practices. It is truly a one way for us to decrease the number of illness and diseases. We should always bear in mind that having a healthy life starts within ourselves.

Monday 9 July 2018

Letter to the President

Denise Jane Quias
Fuerte Caoayan
Ilocos Sur

July 9, 2018

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to you to express my congratulations for the job well done in leading our nation properly. The rules and laws applied for the betterment of our country helped in the progression of the Philippines economy.
As a student I also have my concerns about students safety inside and outside the campus. There were recorded incidents of bullying inside and outside school. Students that has low self esteem and disability are usually the one being victimized and bullied by other people. This illegal act can lead to unwanted results such as absenteeism, low school performances and depression in which it can affect their physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. I feel pity and sad  for my co-students who are experiencing this kind of case.
May  I request your good office to implement more rules and laws that can help in decreasing the number of bullying incidents in every school in the Philippines. So that each students can achieve their goals in life that can give progress to our country.

Thank you and I hope for your response in this matter.

Sincerely Yours,
Denise Jane Quias
Gr. 10 student

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Filipinos Celebrate's Their Freedom

Hundred of years ago we were colonized by lots of foreign countries. Many life were taken because of the war between Filipinos against another country. Many Filipinos risked their lives in order to attain freedom.
On June 12, 1898 it is when the Philippines was officially declared free from the invaders of other military country. That's the time when our fellow Filipinos rejoice because we can finally move free without any danger or harm around us. Our laws and rights were implemented properly by the government and we can say that the Philippines has really attained it's freedom.
It is important to remember and show respect to those brave men and women who had been tough enough to fight for the nation and to fight for their country men. Let us all bear in mind that our freedom was once taken from us. We shouldn't let it happen again to our nation because the Philippines is our home.