Wednesday 8 August 2018

Through Determination Nothing is Impossible

The days intended  for the first grading period is about to end. It has been a  tough and challenging quarter for me because I encounter challenges which helps me to become a better person today. 
I did not expect that this school year will be different than the previous ones. A change in schedule occurred  due to the increasing rate of the students specially on the 9th and 10th grade. I face difficulty in adjusting because I was not able to take enough rest because of  lot requirements. Despite of all the sleepless nights I learned how to be patient and to have more courage in my studies even though a lot of task is given to me.
It also taught me that there is no elevator to success you need to take the stairs . There is no easy path to success we will face a lot of obstacles and problems before you will reach for the stars. 


  1. I agree!Having patience and determination towards your studies, can help you in building a better life in the future.

  2. Good Job Deh! Continue the great start <3

  3. Yes indeed, you can make the impossible things to possibles through hard work and determination. Keep on learning!
