Saturday 20 October 2018

Peace is the way it should be

  Yearly, United Nations and all the countries included here are being gathered as one to celebrate UN Day. This one happens every month of October. And Philippines is one of the countries included in the UN organizations.
    Here in our country is celebrated in schools. Students have a list of programs in connection to this activity. Showing traditional costumes , writing essay, quiz and many more are examples of the activities given to make this is memorable and a fruitful one.
    The historical value of this is it was built after the World War 2 . This one means that every country wants to attain peace and order to their country.  So they formed such organization because if the many countries unite we can form peace . It will also help our country for its development progress and to reduce certain issues.
    We should know that always remember that UN nations keeps people away from evil acts and it keeps the safety of every citizen in our country.
    We may vary in color, height, and culture we are connected by our  hearts. Let us acknowledge the important roles of Un in our country and lets promote peace in order to have development in our countries

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