Friday 24 August 2018

Filipinos: Positive Thinkers

It is not new to us Filipinos that Philippines is one of the disaster prone country. We experienced deadly disasters such as strong typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruption.
This disaster can make difference in the lives of many people most specially to the residence of the affected areas during a disaster. It maybe a good effect or a bad one. But we Filipinos are known in the world because of our attitude in dealing with this kind of situation. We are known to be positive thinkers. Filipinos also showed remarkable resilience in dealing with this disaster. Resilience means having a brave and strong souls in dealing with challenges.
We cannot tell when and where will calamities occur. And when that time comes we should be prepare for the possible effects of it. Disaster can take many lives and destroy properties and most specially it can damage agriculture.
We expect that after a calamities there is an immediate relief package from the government. This is to ease the pain from all the victim. a simple help can make changes.
Despite of that we should not forget that changes and progress start within ourselves. The help that we are receiving will not make us live comfortable again. We should learn among ourselves that what we need is cooperation in order to lessen the effects of disasters and calamities. By doing it so, we can live safe and happy in our society.

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