Saturday 20 October 2018

Behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success

   This 2nd grading has been very challenging for me because I encounter difficulty in managing my schedule in school but I learned that it is by time management that I can conquer this situation .
    During this quarter we had conflict with our class schedules .This is due to the heavy rains that causes suspension of classes. It also come to the point that I have less time for rest and relax.
    This experience had a great impact in my life. It is not only a obstacle but it also a new lesson and experience for me. Meeting the submition date is a one way of practicing on how to be responsible when it comes to finishing task.
    It may be hard at first but through determination and proper time management that we can succeed in life. This are just simple things that we need to face. We should not be upset and give because at the  end all your hardwork will pay off and the process might be bitter but there would be a sweet success . We should always remember that behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success.

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