Friday 7 December 2018

Equality is the Key to Attain Unity Between You and Me

Human beings are born with different characteristics. But we should all bear in mind that all persons are equal. We may differ in size, height, skin, nationality and more but we are connected by our hearts. Each one of us deserve to be love and treated equally.
Nowadays, our society is being face with discrimination because of the lack of respect towards another. Some are being judge because of the things that he or she have done. Many people are also being so insensitive because they put other people down. Instead of saying word of encouragement they often say negative things around us. It is bad to be unfair to the people who is working hard. We all deserve equality and to have good opportunities that can help one's life.
A society that has good characteristics is a society that will succeed. Let us stop deceiving other people and discriminating them because it will not make you rich instead it will reflect on your attitude. Let us all solve the inequalities happening around our society.

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