Monday 7 January 2019

Developing Mind with Passion and Excitement

Days of the months has passed and, the 3rd Grading Period is over. Upon finishing this quarter many things happened. It includes the proper time management in passing school requirements, projects and also the time of reviewing the different lessons in schools. Although the earlier weeks of this quarter had been busy for me, i was motivated to finished the task because holiday season is coming. It was also a challenging quarter for me because it tested my patience and determination in coming to school early as 6 in the morning due to the shifting of classes. The most exciting part of this quarter is the Christmas program. In this day we value and give importance to the birth of Jesus by sharing gifts, foods and message among us. We also gave appreciation to the people who made our entire year special, it can be our friends and our teachers. The quarter ended with smile among our faces because it is the time where we can have a break for all the  school requirements  and activities and have fun together with our family and relatives in celebrating the birth of Jesus. It was really a great quarter for me. 

1 comment:

  1. You ended this quarter with a smile so I hope you continue you next quarter with a smile also. Good Job!
