Saturday 20 October 2018

Behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success

   This 2nd grading has been very challenging for me because I encounter difficulty in managing my schedule in school but I learned that it is by time management that I can conquer this situation .
    During this quarter we had conflict with our class schedules .This is due to the heavy rains that causes suspension of classes. It also come to the point that I have less time for rest and relax.
    This experience had a great impact in my life. It is not only a obstacle but it also a new lesson and experience for me. Meeting the submition date is a one way of practicing on how to be responsible when it comes to finishing task.
    It may be hard at first but through determination and proper time management that we can succeed in life. This are just simple things that we need to face. We should not be upset and give because at the  end all your hardwork will pay off and the process might be bitter but there would be a sweet success . We should always remember that behind the hills of challenges lies the valley of success.

Peace is the way it should be

  Yearly, United Nations and all the countries included here are being gathered as one to celebrate UN Day. This one happens every month of October. And Philippines is one of the countries included in the UN organizations.
    Here in our country is celebrated in schools. Students have a list of programs in connection to this activity. Showing traditional costumes , writing essay, quiz and many more are examples of the activities given to make this is memorable and a fruitful one.
    The historical value of this is it was built after the World War 2 . This one means that every country wants to attain peace and order to their country.  So they formed such organization because if the many countries unite we can form peace . It will also help our country for its development progress and to reduce certain issues.
    We should know that always remember that UN nations keeps people away from evil acts and it keeps the safety of every citizen in our country.
    We may vary in color, height, and culture we are connected by our  hearts. Let us acknowledge the important roles of Un in our country and lets promote peace in order to have development in our countries

A Big Thanks to all the teachers out there

Teachers have the noblest profession. We owe them everything we have now. Without educators we will not able to polish and enhance our skills. They serve as our molders and our guide through out our journey. The life of students was never easy but with the presence of the teachers it has been challenging yet fun experience for us.
 Every of  July we are gathered as one to pay tribute to all the teachers throughout the world . Their work maybe a tiring one but they  manage to do their job well because the development of the country depends on them and we should be thankful that god has blessed us with great educators and each and one of us can become someone, someday.

Teachers day is not just an ordinary day for us. It is the day that we should make our teacher happy and loved. Standing and teaching for almost 8hrs a day is not an easy thing it takes a lot of courage and patient to teach each class. We can have simple celebrations and activities to make that day a memorable one.

Our country needs a good educator who has the courage and heart to teach his students. A great teacher always knows what is best for their students. No amount of money and expensive gifts can repay their generosity. We should always salute them for being our hero in our nation.

"Science and Technology for a sustainable future"

 Science and technology play a very important role in our lives. Many of us do not see its importance and purpose to our Society. Science is in everything that we see and technology is everything that we use in order to do task efficiently and effectively.
    Yearly, we are gathered as one to celebrate science month this maybe done most specially in schools. In part of celebrating science we should be implementing lots of activities such sci -exhibits, quiz, inventions and many more that can explain how things happen . Everything is made and explained by science.
    This years theme is entitled  "Science and Technology  for a sustainable future" Having more knowledge in science makes us even more understand the different aspects and issues that our country has today. It will help us seek for soulutions and it can make changes in our society. So that our country will continue developing things that can help in the progress of our nation.
    It is important that we learn those things because it can help us attain sustainable future despite of the many issues floating in our country today. We should use our inventions in making changes and development among ourselves.
    Today’s, era of millennials it is important to familiarize with all the latest invention. We should help and raised our country in having development and sustainable future.