Monday 30 July 2018

Nutrition Month 2018: Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin

Every month of July we are gathered to celebrate the value of nutrition in our lives. This year nutrition month is celebrated with the theme "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." It gives emphasis to the importance to agriculture in which by planting we can gain a lot of nutritional values needed by our body.
Taking care of our nature will help us in gaining fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables.And planting fruits and vegetables can help in nourishing our immune system. It boost our energy and most specially to make us healthy and strong. We can also live our life longer when we are eating nutritious food. Our body needs a lot of nutrients and we also need to provide it all to make are living healthy
We, the youth should find ways to improve this practices. It is truly a one way for us to decrease the number of illness and diseases. We should always bear in mind that having a healthy life starts within ourselves.

Monday 9 July 2018

Letter to the President

Denise Jane Quias
Fuerte Caoayan
Ilocos Sur

July 9, 2018

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to you to express my congratulations for the job well done in leading our nation properly. The rules and laws applied for the betterment of our country helped in the progression of the Philippines economy.
As a student I also have my concerns about students safety inside and outside the campus. There were recorded incidents of bullying inside and outside school. Students that has low self esteem and disability are usually the one being victimized and bullied by other people. This illegal act can lead to unwanted results such as absenteeism, low school performances and depression in which it can affect their physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. I feel pity and sad  for my co-students who are experiencing this kind of case.
May  I request your good office to implement more rules and laws that can help in decreasing the number of bullying incidents in every school in the Philippines. So that each students can achieve their goals in life that can give progress to our country.

Thank you and I hope for your response in this matter.

Sincerely Yours,
Denise Jane Quias
Gr. 10 student

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Filipinos Celebrate's Their Freedom

Hundred of years ago we were colonized by lots of foreign countries. Many life were taken because of the war between Filipinos against another country. Many Filipinos risked their lives in order to attain freedom.
On June 12, 1898 it is when the Philippines was officially declared free from the invaders of other military country. That's the time when our fellow Filipinos rejoice because we can finally move free without any danger or harm around us. Our laws and rights were implemented properly by the government and we can say that the Philippines has really attained it's freedom.
It is important to remember and show respect to those brave men and women who had been tough enough to fight for the nation and to fight for their country men. Let us all bear in mind that our freedom was once taken from us. We shouldn't let it happen again to our nation because the Philippines is our home.