Sunday 10 March 2019

Dreams really Do come true when you have faith

   One of the wonderful things we have been given as a person is the ability to desire to have dreams of a better life, and the ability to identify goals to live out those dreams. We dream because we want to have a great change in ourlife. It may be a physical improvent or financial improvement. We people pursue and work hard for those dreams to achieve in the near nurture.
   ‎As they all say dreaming but was never a mistake, it is motivation and inspiration for us to explore , enjoy life while fulfilling those dreams. Ussually who dream big had all those big hearts , passion and dedication on their work. Because intelligence alone cannot bring you to success. It is through determination and hardwork that one achieve his or her dreams.
   ‎As a student, I dream to become a successful person not only in the field of career but also successful in life. Achieving dreams is not all about the money it is the happiness and experience you gain afterall. I know that life is never easy, it takes many struggles to achieve happiness.
   ‎We should always put in mind that in achieving all our goals, dreams and desires in life, complaing is not the key but it is the heart and mind that works together to make dreams really do come true.

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